My new keyboard is here! I was so happy to see the UPS guy today. Practically giving myself carpal tunnel hitting the space bar every day.

I feel so much better today. I don’t know what it is. I love the new design I did last night. I supposed the funk has passed. Yesterday, I was all set to just quit my job and stop dealing with the public, I was so sick of everything. There’s a woman I work with, the bookkeeper, who is just so miserable. She makes everyone she comes in contact with in a bad mood. I’ve talked about it with a lot of people and everyone feels the same way. She was just so rude to me last night, I practically started crying right there [augghh! PMS!]. So I left (early, I might add, since I went and got the cigs and stocked them by myself) and went to Wendy’s and got a Biggie Diet Coke. Nothing like 40 oz. of diet Coke to make up for a shitty day.

I also only have 26.5 hours at work next week…that’s three days off, and doesn’t really cut it. And the week after…VACATION! I can’t wait, but I have to remember to call up there to see if I can bring Penny. We had a good, long game of “I’mgonnagetcha” out in the yard this morning. She’s so funny. She runs up to me with this big grin on her face, like she knows she’s the cutest thing. I don’t go to work until 4:30 today…maybe we can get another game in.: )

I’ve been thinking about Chrissi a lot, how I haven’t seen or heard from her in ages. I don’t know what’s up with that. I left a message on her machine a few weeks ago, but she never called. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

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